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Grim Reapers

Ian Frazier New York Review of Books
Farmers waiting for federal grants at a Resettlement Administration office, North Dakota, July 1936 Mega-agriculture is destroying the Corn Belt and the Central Valley, which the country’s food system depends on. Can midsize farms survive to save it?

How Farmworkers Are Organizing to Close the Wage Gap

Sara Herschander Capital & Main
Agricultural workers in New York just formed the state’s first farmworker union, but a new law guaranteeing overtime protections and organizing rights for the first time has been delayed.

Attack of the Superweeds

H. Claire Brown New York Times
Herbicides are losing the war — and agriculture might never be the same again.


Monster Capitalism

Jonah Raskin CounterPunch
Updating his 2005 The Monster at Our Door, Davis views the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous viral catastrophes, exposing the key roles of agribusiness, the fast food industries, corrupt governments and a capitalist system out of control
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