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The Deceptive Trump, UAE-Israel ‘Peace Deal’

Medea Benjamin, Ariel Gold (Consortium News) Jennifer Hansler, Richard Roth (CNN) Consortium News / CNN
Among the most brutal realities for Palestinians is loss of support from Arab states, who pay lip service to their own populations, while drawing closer to Israel with economic interests and Iran in mind.

15 Lessons From 15 Years of BDS

Alys Samson Estapé The Electronic Intifada
Even campaigns that may not reach their objective can contribute to explaining what is happening on the ground and what the Palestinian people are calling for, and to raising awareness about Israel’s regime of disposession and colonization.

Israeli Impunity Is Coming To An End

Maureen Clare Murphy The Electronic Intifada
The days of Israel’s impunity are dwindling as the International Criminal Court inches closer towards opening a full investigation into war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israel Demolishes Palestinian Coronavirus Testing Center in Hebron

Akram Al-Waara, Mustafa Abu Sneineh Middle East Eye
Israeli soldiers watched construction on desperately needed facility go ahead for two months before sending in the bulldozers, residents say. The idea of the project was to ease pressure on hospitals in Hebron treating Covid-19 patients.

How Palestine Advocates Can Support Black Struggle

Kristian Davis Bailey The Electronic Intifada
demonstration protsting police murder of George Floyd and other Black people Recent Black Lives Matter protests have sparked conversations about how to act in better solidarity with the Black struggle. How to move beyond rhetorical statements? How to address anti-Blackness among non-Black Arab communities?
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