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Friday Nite Videos | August 14, 2020

Who is Kamala Harris? | The Daily Social Distancing Show. Tom Morello | You Belong To Me. Judas and the Black Messiah. The Risky Way to Speed Up a Coronavirus Vaccine. Like a Kidney Stone | Dylan Parody.

Friday Nite Videos | April 24, 2020

The Writers and Directors Who Saw Coronavirus Coming. The Liar Tweets Tonight | Roy Zimmerman. Unorthodox Trailer | Netflix. Anti-Lockdown Protesters Harass COVID-19 Nurses. Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals Broken System In U.S. Nursing Homes

Queen & Slim | Movie

A "driving while Black" police stop turns a first date into a fugitive nightmare. Read a full review here.

After Parkland | Documentary

The intimate and moving story of families of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School navigating their way through grief, and searching for new meaning in the immediate days, weeks and months after the Parkland shooting that left 17 dead, the private journeys of these families as they rose to challenge the nation to end gun violence

The Powerful Perspective of 'Queen & Slim'

Jelani Cobb The New Yorker
The story of “Queen & Slim” is propelled by an arbitrary traffic stop, in which a police officer detains a couple on a first date, played by Daniel Kaluuya and Jodie Turner-Smith
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