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Ladykiller | Official Trailer

In her latest comedy special, Jena Friedman probes America’s obsession with (dead) women, finding humor in marriage, motherhood, and murder. Streaming Sept. 30 on Peacock.

Friday Nite Videos | September 30, 2022

"Fuck the Election. Let's Get Right to the Violence." 'Hillbilly Elegy' Republican J.D. Vance Exposed. Ladykiller | Official Trailer. 'Putin Is a Fool': Russian Soldiers Phoning Home. How Climate Change Makes Hurricanes Worse.

What Antisemitism Is, What It Is Not, and Why It Matters

Donna Nevel South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Antisemitism, like all forms of injustice, harms people and communities. Many Jewish organizations speak about criticism of Israel or Zionism as antisemitic, but that is a misuse and, in fact, an abuse of what antisemitism is.