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Friday Nite Videos | February 28, 2020

“The Billionaire Election”. Mama Africa | Andrew Tosh. The Case for Bernie Sanders. The Case for Elizabeth Warren. Trump’s Flailing Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak.

Civic Religion and the Secular Jew

Joshua Leifer Jewish Currents
Sanders’s secular Jewishness is among the most common forms of Jewish identity in the US, yet it is a religious identity that has never before appeared so prominently on the national political stage.

Bernie Sanders: The Democrats Dilemma

Peter Olney and Rand Wilson The Stansbury Forum
This is a not an election to allow self-righteous ideological purity to obfuscate the need for a huge political uprising to block Trump from securing a potentially disastrous second term.


Bernie Wins Big in Nevada

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"That's Called Electability": Diverse Coalition Propels Bernie Sanders to Big Win in Nevada."That's not just a savvy coalition for winning the Nevada caucuses, it's how Bernie Sanders becomes president.

Bernie Wins Big in Nevada

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"That's Called Electability": Diverse Coalition Propels Bernie Sanders to Big Win in Nevada."That's not just a savvy coalition for winning the Nevada caucuses, it's how Bernie Sanders becomes president.
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