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Warn Voters About the Radicalism Beyond Trump

Nancy MacLean The New Republic
The Republicans are plotting to literally rewrite the Constitution to eliminate core rights and protections. The Constitutional Convention, in the plain language of the leading organizer for it, aims “to reverse 115 years of progressivism.”

Tidbits - Aug. 29, 2019 - Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; White Supremacy and Terrorism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal ?!?; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;


Florida Teachers on Edge as New Law Threatens Their Unions

Jeffrey S. Solochek  Tampa Bay Times
A new collective bargaining law--supported by the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity--requires local unions to prove they represent a majority of the teachers in their districts. The measuring stick? At least half of all employees eligible to be in the union must be paying dues.

Dismantling Public Education - Like it or Not, Betsy DeVos Has Made a Mark in Six Months as Education Secretary

Valerie Strauss Washington Post
After six months, Betsy DeVos has taken some major steps to change education policy, and her very presence at the head of the U.S. Education Department signals something important about the past, present and future of public education in the United States. She faces protests at many public appearances, which is why she receives special protection from the U.S. Marshals Service, at an average cost so far this year of $1 million a month.


Koch World

Tom Gallagher Los Angeles Review of Books
Mayer charts the domestic far-right effort to remake the political system through foundations, think tanks, university institutes, paid political commentators and huge campaign contributions by heirs to energy giant Koch Industries. One strategist admitted, "We want to decrease regulations. Why? It's because we can make more profit, okay?" Yet selling that line is hard. So they pose that ameliorative legislation denies the "opportunity for earned success" to the poor.
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