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How Workers Can Help Defeat a Trump Coup

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
Donald Trump, desperately behind in the polls, appears to be laying the groundwork for illegally attempting to remain in office if he loses the election. This commentary focuses in on the role of workers—union and nonunion—in resisting a Trump Coup.


Strike for Democracy!

Stephanie Luce Organizing Upgrade
Strikes are rare but political strikes are on the agenda more than they have been in many years. Labor Action to Defend Democracy has come together to "plant seeds and stir the pot," and work with community partners to protect the vote.

The Pandemic and Oil

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
With oil prices down and wealthy countries bungling COVID-19, the pandemic has exposed the weaknesses that wealth papers over. The relationship between wealth and favorable outcomes only works when that wealth is invested in the many, not the few.

Global Left Midweek - September 9, 2020

Three from Vijay Prashad, international labor challenges G20, mutual aid in Puerto Rico, and more news and analysis from the international left

The Young Eugene V. Debs

Tim Davenport, Shawn Gude Jacobin
A pair of leftist historians has undertaken compiling a six-volume collection of Eugene Debs’s writings and speeches. We spoke with one who detailed Debs’s journey from moderate young trade union leader to courageous socialist militant.

The Dignity of Labor

William P. Jones Dissent
Despite the outpouring of praise for essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, their own interests continue to come second to the broader public’s need for cheap and reliable labor.

Race Is About More Than Discrimination

Bill Fletcher Jr. Monthly Review
Organized labor must adopt a different framework that starts with the difficult discussion about U.S. history . . . to lay the foundation for a different domestic and international strategy for workers’ rights and justice.
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