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Media Bits and Bytes - December 11, 2018

Why CNN Fired Hill; Tech To Labor's Rescue; The Need For a Black Press; Regulating AI; News or Nonstop Lies?; Pretzels and Politics; NPR's Restless Temps

Media Bits and Bytes - November 27, 2018

Media, Tech, and the Next Congress; Net Neutrality After the Midterms; NPR Hypes Amazon; Facebook on the Dock; Homemade Fake News; The Relevant One Hundred

President’s New Budget. Stark Vision of GOP Reality. Attention Must Be Paid; Here are the Proposed Cuts; Huge Increase for Pentagon

Robert Greenstein; Ryan Koronowski; Brett Samuels; Fred Kaplan
The President's budget is a reflection of the administration's priorities. And this administration and their GOP co-horts in Congress want to slash over a trillion dollars with cuts to programs for some of the nation's most vulnerable. A massive increase in the military budget and war preparations comes at the expense of slashing all kinds of social programs.


Q. and A. With Brooke Gladstone on her Book on the Media

Alexios Mantzarlis Poynter
National Public Radio's media critic Brooke Gladstone talks with the Poynter Institute about the myth of post-fact journalism and the need for journalists to ferret out and offer common pools of accurate information, if only to provide contending parties with a basis to negotiate and for democracy to work.

Recommended Summer Reading: Alternative Lists

Hope Wabuke; Liberty Hardy
The New York Times and NPR recently released their summer reading recommendations. Their lists might lead you to believe that only white authors are writing books worthy of summer reading. Here are two alternative lists from The Root and Book Riot.

Regulating the Magic that is Homeopathy: The Sabotage of Poor Reporting and False Balance

Orac Science Blogs
Homeopathy is, as Steve Novella characterized it, an “excellent example of the purest form of pseudoscience,” and as I, more blunt that Steve, like to call it, “The One Quackery To Rule Them All.” Failing to make that clear in media coverage of homeopathy lets advocates of homeopathic quackery to label skeptics as “homeopathic naysayers” and claim that the current FDA regulatory framework for homeopathic products is working just fine.
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