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Art’s Social Forms

Josefine Wikström Radical Philosophy
Reviewer Wikström examines this well-known cultural critic's massive, ambitious, yet flawed study of post World War II U.S. culture and its influence.


Climate Savior or ‘Monsanto of the Sea’?

Bridget Huber The Fern
Seaweed farming is being hyped as a major weapon in the fight against climate change. But skeptics say the rush to build industrial-scale operations risks unintended consequences. By Bridget Huber, June 1, 2023


It’s Different Now

Christopher Clauss Radical Teacher
“I just want to teach science,” says New Hampshire poet Christopher Clauss, but his responsibilities also range from the absurd to the dangerous.


Martin Luther King Understood Solidarity

Michael K. Honey Jacobin
Jonathan Eig’s new Martin Luther King biography stirs exhilaration and visceral pain at the unexpected triumphs and vicious violence that he and the freedom movement endured. It largely leaves out a key piece of King’s legacy: his commitment to labor


A Companion to Marx’s Grundrisse

Benjamin Tetler Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
Reviewer Tetler assesses Harvey's commentary on Marx's famous and influential early work.


Celebrating the Leadership and Comradeship of Charlene Mitchell

William P. Jones Portside
“People who truly believe in justice and equality, and peace and socialism, should not actually really care whether their contributions are individually noted,” Angela Davis asserted at a tribute to her friend and mentor, Charlene Mitchell, in 2009.
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