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Palestine and History: Macklemore v. Hillary Clinton

Juan Cole Informed Consent
I have never understood the trope that Israel made generous offers to the Palestinians (it never did) but that the Palestinians rejected them, and therefore the Palestinians should be deprived of all their basic rights forever.

The Israeli War on Gaza: Post-War Scenarios

Omar Shaban Arab Reform Initiative
The war on Gaza, with all the killing and destruction it has caused, must provide a historic opportunity to start a new path towards a landmark settlement that ends the century-old conflict and achieves stability and peace in the Middle East

This Week in People’s History, May 14–20

Historical marker about the 1959 Biloxi, Miss., civil-rights wade-ins
Mississippi Racists Fight Back (in 1959), Bessie Smith, Fortune-Teller (1929), Fortress Germany Unveiled (1939), “The Germans Are Coming!” Or Not. (1919), ¡Karen Silkwood, Presente! (1979), Big Brother’s Listening (1919), Rock Around the Clock (1954)

How Bondage Built the Church

Tiya Miles The New York Review
Rachel Swarns’s recent book about a mass sale of enslaved people by Jesuit priests to save Georgetown University reminds us that the legacy of slavery is simultaneously the legacy of resistance