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What White Supremacy Is and Isn’t: A Reading List

Rosie Gillies The Boston Review
White supremacy , a founding U.S. principle, remains prevalent today. This reading list was compiled shortly after the January 6 D.C. white insurrection and attempted seizure of the capital building. Follow the links for full reviews of each book.

Tidbits - Apr. 15, 2021 - Reader Comments: Daunte Wright Murder; Jim Crow Then and Now; Georgia voter suppression; Prince Philip, Cuba blockade, New York Health Act, "Working-Class New York" Revisited conference; Zoom events;, more...

Reader Comments: Daunte Wright Murder; Jim Crow Then and Now; Georgia voter suppression; Prince Philip, Cuba, New York Health Act, "Working-Class New York" Revisited conference, African American Women, Cold War, Ben Fletcher,Black Wobblies, more...

Why Paul Robeson’s Voice Still Rings True Today

Tayo Aluko The Progressive
Those who desecrated the Capitol in January called themselves patriots. Millions supported them, including members of both Houses. This again reminded one of Robeson, because seventy-two years earlier, another angry mob might well have lynched him.

Don't Defend Democracy With Half-Truths About the Past

Brook Thomas History News Network
Myths about the founders and President Grant cannot restore legitimacy to a democracy in the wake of a second presidential impeachment and acquittal and facing competing demands to unify the country, rebuild the economy and address racial injustice.
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